Contact & directions

Contact information
To schedule an initial intake appointment for psychotherapy or psychological assessment please leave a message in the Project's voicemail box. Our intake coordinator will contact you within the next week to set up an intake.
Intake Phone: (206) 633-2405, extension 2
Therapist Phone: (206) 633-2405, extension 3
Email: fctpinfo[at]gmail[dot]com
We check email only once or twice weekly, so phone is the best way to get in touch with us if you wish a quick response.
Directions to clinic
3417 Fremont Avenue N.
The FCTP is located in the Fremont Building, in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle. The entrance is between Sirena Gelato and the Fremont Antique Mall. You may take the stairs up to the first right-hand doorway, where you will find the waiting area. You can also take the elevator (found down the hallway to the left of the stairs--go past the moose statue), and press 2R. Please come to this waiting area for your initial intake appointment.
Parking and Public Transportation
Free 1.5 hour parking can be found in the garage located under PCC. The entrance is off Evanston Avenue North. On exiting the parking garage take the stairs to your right up to Fremont Avenue and turn to your left to find our doorway. An elevator to Fremont Avenue can be found in the garage. Free two-hour parking is also available on N. 34th and N. 35th Streets north of Evanston Avenue, but parking in our block is now pay-only. If you prefer to take the bus, we are served by the number 5, 26, 28, 31, 32 and 40 bus lines. Please check the Metro Transit website for schedules.
Mailing address
Fremont Community Therapy Project
3429 Fremont Pl. N. #319
Seattle, WA 98103
This address is for mailing purposes only. Please go to the waiting room (directions above) for your appointment.